
Contact Rev Lawrence

Hello good friend,

Good day and how are you today? I hope all is well with you and your family? I am using this opportunity to inform you that the multi million-dollar business that we both are working on before has been finally concluded with the assistance of another partner from Iceland who financed the transaction to a logical conclusion. The fund wasn't transferred into your account due to one reason or the other. And for my kind gesture I have left an ATM Card for you worth $3,750.000 USD ( three Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand United States Dollars Only) To show my appreciation for your pass assistance. I must confess, you are truly a humble and a sincere person.

However, I will gladly appreciate and happier wherever I am to hear that you have received your ATM Card; It will be a great honor to me because you deserve it. and do to my new business establishment with my new partner in Iceland I will be very busy for a very long time. Kindly contact him now Rev Lawrence Mensa With the below information to enable him to negotiate with the courier company for the delivery of your ATM Card to you,

Contact person: Rev Lawrence Mensa Email: lawmensa@aliyun.com

Therefore you should send him your full Name and telephone number/your correct mailing address where you want him to send the ATM card to you. This information is what will enable him to deliver the ATM Card to you. as I have left instructions on your behalf.

Thanks for your pass effort and God bless you and your family.

Hoping to hear from you.

Mrs. Precious Mpho

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